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A fearful destruction

I remember the several days after the event of 9/11 in the year of 2001:  I struggled through to come back to my senses then.  There are no right words for it.  Terror, sorrow, anxiety, anger, and all.

But one night as I was praying, my heart sensed a gentle voice of the Holy Spirit asking me not to be buried under the rubble but look upon Him and Him only.

The Holy Spirit pointed to a hidden distrust cast upon the Father in heaven, a distrust that was harbored in my heart in the midst of all this.  The intention of terrorists may be to inflict pain and invoke fear in us, but the intention of Satan, who is the one behind these schemes, is precisely to create that distrust toward God. The latter is where the real spiritual war is being waged, and I realized that I had fallen victim in this war.

The Lord led me to repent.  Since then my prayers have become more on urging God’s Kingdom to come than living in sadness; and more on supplicating that people may be humbled and turn to God of resurrection, instead of merely asking that the evil will pay back.

The destruction inflicted by men should not be feared more than the coming eternal judgment by God.  Thank our Lord that the God’s elect will be saved, and indeed have already been saved, from the final Terror.  If what we saw in these events of fearful destruction is a shadow of what is to come in the end, let us encourage one another, and pour our hearts and love to others so that they may also have hope – the hope that is based on an unshakable eternal foundation that cannot be destroyed, rather than temporal human power and resolutions.
